Sunday, November 20, 2011

A foundational approach on a clear but complex shape

1) Digital Recorder
2) Pencil & Paper

Objective:  To capture a real time experience in sight and sound for anyone in the world to relate to.  As an art student I think its an incredible tool to record how one see's themselves in time and space.  I guess any art student could agree it's an interesting process?  A psychiatrist once told me, "Your truths are not my truths." ...after explaining how I lost a dear friend to a tragic car accident in the past.  Each student has their own individual way of expression.  Some write, some preform, some sing, some dance, some paint, some draw, and some animate.  My aim on for this particular idea came from the word "universal".

To fix this compositional approach:
1) More developed drawing(s)
2) Maybe capturing a coherent & complete idea

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.
Albert Einstein

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