Friday, November 25, 2011

Blast From the Past

When I was younger this show would creep me out,
Its pretty funny to me now.  

As the wheels turn in life sometimes I share enjoy a nostalgic song from a past moment in time.

Every time I've been to New York its been a special moment for myself.  Im going back, not just to visit.

"I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is."

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Chinese fighter fish observation

Currently unnamed (Left) + Emma (Right) named after a ring I found that said "EMMA"

Life Aquatic

Blast from the past

A long time ago in a class, a teacher said, "Reflect back to your childhood art or tangible objects to find inspiration or a different view on your art."

Object: Boomerang from Africa

I believe cultural references, quotes, and symbols can be very interesting to research.  They tie together people as a whole to identify with.  Every human on the face of the earth has some type of cultural origin in time and space.

Poem of the day - "Love may fail, but courtesy will prevail." -Vonnegut

A foundational approach on a clear but complex shape

1) Digital Recorder
2) Pencil & Paper

Objective:  To capture a real time experience in sight and sound for anyone in the world to relate to.  As an art student I think its an incredible tool to record how one see's themselves in time and space.  I guess any art student could agree it's an interesting process?  A psychiatrist once told me, "Your truths are not my truths." ...after explaining how I lost a dear friend to a tragic car accident in the past.  Each student has their own individual way of expression.  Some write, some preform, some sing, some dance, some paint, some draw, and some animate.  My aim on for this particular idea came from the word "universal".

To fix this compositional approach:
1) More developed drawing(s)
2) Maybe capturing a coherent & complete idea

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.
Albert Einstein

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"I'd like to continue a dialogue"

Im considering myself a gear in a larger equation that I never knew exsisted

When there's genuine interest/passion behind a path you choose in life, doors seem to open everywhere.

When a vast majority of your childhood was filled with detailed drawings, apply the techniques, processes, and media you find suitable.  Clocks parts? authenticity? rule books? beauty? conciseness? followings? Grammatical errors? I think I just felt a firework go off in my mind.

Global Networking Via Snail Mail

Tools of continuation

Once upon a time I wrote to myself, "Sometimes you have to throw a penny into the ocean to see what you get in return."

This week the case was throwing a few pennies "across" a few oceans.

Hong Kong (x2) + Thailand +  Singapore + Republica Moldova = ^_^

and the process continues...